Saturday, August 4, 2018

Leaves are brown
All leaves are brown here, 
in summer fall or winter
human skin
Branches are white
All branches are white here
Nude branches are white
human bone 
Clouds are black
Floating clouds are always black
always …
Torn hair of raped sister
Dig deep into the soil
Any time, any festival
liquid comes out, strange,
human blood 
I do not know this land
I do not know any tree here,
soil water cloud
floating a stupid alien

Aneek Chatterjee 

My mobile flashed, but
no sound
There was an earthquake
Friends died, cartoons
ridiculed broken mansions
& streets. 
Nobody said hello
I took shelter beneath
a table, before death
No sound, my mind
flushed out monotony
before I got back
to sound, before I was
born again, to safety. 
 Aneek Chatterje 

The clerk smiles and lights  
his cigarette
So here you are, in front of me,
again …
I say, like a convict,
in a dry trembling voice, 
my letters… my file … 
Won’t be released soon,
In fact won’t be released
at all …
Smoke suddenly engulfs me,
and I die of suffocation due to
incessant smoke from
the cigarette.
The clerk taps ashes
in to my dead eyes,
and shouts
 Aneek Chatterjee 

 Pencil in My Brain
My ancient accomplice
sat with me this evening
to scribble thoughts
Wished it obeyed orders
& sail through all hurdles
to final destination
But it didn’t move, or  
tilt a bit from the dot
that first appeared on the tabula rasa  
In anger, threw my pen to the floor
but heard absentee thoughts
jeering (at me) from somewhere inside
 Sit in the empty room
dejected;  with a  
pencil in my brain
 Aneek Chatterjee 

Seaside Myopia 
Must have written a lot
here, in this place, by the
sea side …
waves, sand, seagull,
children with happy castles
and worthy parents, paragliding,
water taxi …  
When I took up the pen  
seagulls were burnt in sunshine,
all paragliders swooped down
to earth.  
I looked at the sea, ---
a big black crater laughed,
and drew me into its mind.
In agony, horror I threw
my pen in the blackhole
Quickly, it sucked my feeble weapon
and chased me, and I got  a myopia …
Water taxis rushed through
the waves, castles stared at
the hot sand, bemused
 Aneek Chatterjee 

A sun burnt meadow
looked at me; 
I could not determine
its color 
Parallel tram lines suddenly
broke their silence
and started talking  
The stone of the graveyard
smiled; I dared not go near
Sunflowers invited me
for a game I started, but
left very soon
The mystery of the jungle
complained, you didn’t
kiss me since ages …
The river stopped singing 
Syllables did not respond 
 Aneek Chatterjee 

Helpless I do not know if good intentions prevail among the elected, among the appointed, leaving me apprehensive that the fate ...