Anniversary Poem
She’s forgotten how great I am,
although I do my best to remind her
after all these years of marriage.
She knew how great I was on
our wedding day and honeymoon
and for some months thereafter.
But just the other day we were
stationed in our recliners
and I was trying to help her see
life as it is and not as she
has always wished it to be.
And the woman yawned.
She’s different now but it’s better
than being married to a groupie.
Tomorrow I’ll try reason again.
Donal Mahoney
Keeping His Dignity
A poor man comes to the door
after the storm last winter and
asks if he can have something
to eat if he shovels the walk.
You say forget about the snow.
How about ham sandwiches
on rye bread and he says fine.
You ask if he wants mustard.
He says yes if it’s Grey Poupon,
the only mustard he eats.
Donal Mahoney
Angels or the Fat Lady
It’s pretty simple, really.
The world will end
whether we believe
the Bible is a myth or truth.
If the Bible is the truth,
the world will end,
a monk told me,
when the angels come
to sort the good folk
from the bad and
toss the bad folk into
fire that never ends
with weeping and
gnashing of teeth.
But if the Bible is a myth,
an atheist told me,
the world will end
with a final aria
atop Mt. Everest
when the fat lady sings.
Donal Mahoney
Looking for a Piece
Even though
we’re getting older
even rickety in some respects
my wife and I remain
involved in the joys of life.
We love each other more
than we did decades ago,
which is why I tell her
on this hot summer day
she looks fetching
in those shorts and
I’m sure tonight
when the temperature drops
I’ll be looking for a piece
of onion on my burger.
Donal Mahoney
When you get old
it’s nice to have all your marbles
even if you can’t count them
even if they look the same color
even if you can no longer hear them
bounce off each other when your son
brings your grandson over
and he shoots marbles all over
the house and they careen
like your thoughts this morning
as you try to recall where you put
the marbles after the boy went home
and you get down on your hands
and knees and feel around and find them
so when the boy comes over again
you can hand him the marble bag
because your son just called
and the boy will be here in an hour
laughing and shouting and wanting
to shoot marbles all over the house
like heads rolling in Syria and Iraq.
Donal Mahoney