Saturday, April 11, 2020
Ohio has been pretty aggressive with the stay at home orders. the only times i have left the house in the last 3 weeks was to get some groceries or if my disabled mother wanted some food from the chain restaurants in town. most of them have drive-thru's still open. of course, 40 miles south of me is the church still having services and hugging and everything, because they are covered in the blood of Jesus. i remember the joy i felt when that church got hit by lightning years ago.
Helpless I do not know if good intentions prevail among the elected, among the appointed, leaving me apprehensive that the fate ...
Change Let it come like the wave with the salty foam. Let it reflect my insides li...
Used to be the one settled for the last. Ran the race that took the human. Promised so hard to be soft. Pleased the masses and quit the chur...