LEXIGRAPHY PASTE-UP, The Times [Stefanie Bennett] She said - "Trash is for The lesser God's Keeper." He reasoned - "And tomorrow Is back Where we found it." In the streetlight's Hamstrung glare... The shrew sits Beside The shot-glass Prophet ... And Between them Eddies The crucified Air. BLING 2, Documentation [Stefanie Bennett] At world's end, and the voice Of birds a pandemonium, Something peculiar Is happening to poets -. They don't Feel well, Their appetite's Abated and The citadel of song's Off-key. Blows may follow. If You will Stay sober, stay Serene -, Play pat-a-cake with The screech-owl In God's sweet acre. CHANCE - After 'Kikahu' [Stefanie Bennett] Didn't you know, we get What we don't deserve The precise Moment Vulcan rocks Fall About-face To tell it The way it is - A saffron "No Chorus" Sound... OFFERING [Stefanie Bennett] I'm to blame -. I was born A nondescript Rhythmist Repeatedly drumming A tin plate With a wooden spoon. It can't get Any better Than That..., It's What you do with What you've got.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Helpless I do not know if good intentions prevail among the elected, among the appointed, leaving me apprehensive that the fate ...
Change Let it come like the wave with the salty foam. Let it reflect my insides li...
Used to be the one settled for the last. Ran the race that took the human. Promised so hard to be soft. Pleased the masses and quit the chur...