Tuesday, September 12, 2017

the one

i can still picture
you in just a towel

talking to me as
i sat on the edge
of the bed

you just casually
let that towel fall
to the floor

if i was a smart man

i would have asked
you to marry me
right there

all these years later

i know you wouldn't
have said yes

you didn't believe
in settling until you
found the one

sadly, i have never
been anyone's

cries for help in early august

i've been
my demons
since the day
i was born

not all wars
are meant to
last forever
taste the ecstasy

the puerto
rican women
are starting
to invade
my dreams

i can still
taste the
ecstasy when
i wake up in
the morning

i suppose i
should buy
another bottle
of rum

hoping that
she invites
a friend in
locked and loaded

a tribe of deviants
not interested in
ruling the world

more to just enjoy
a little fruit while
escaping death
each day

locked and loaded

not sure if the
eclipse would
actually be
a mushroom

place the tab on the
tip of your tongue
and simply relax

try not to think about
being molested as a
child or the first love
of your life running
away with another

try to remember 
the time you got 
a blow job in an
alley from a stripper
with a heart of gold

or the dreams of
being the smart
criminal that got
you through high
up a creek without a damn paddle

i see your
eyes in my

me as i
try to make
it back to

all odds

up a creek
without a
damn paddle

i'll make
it back to
you one

all i ask

you still
care at

wait to
my heart
after i've
had a chance
to rest
cliffs of dover

here comes the
guitar hero and
all the groupies
that believe in

i remember i
was going to
be one of those
guys when i
was a teenager

reality struck

because fat kids
don't get to have
those fantasies

you can be a 
roadie or the
producer stuck
in the fucking

but any shit on
stage is for the
beautiful people

i was going to
be the smart ass
that brought up
the 1970's but i
simply walked

not all the talent
was squeezed out 
of the tube yet
J.J. Campbell

Helpless I do not know if good intentions prevail among the elected, among the appointed, leaving me apprehensive that the fate ...